Saturday, October 31, 2009

Project 2

Photo Web Gallery

For Project 2 we used the same photos from Project 1 only this time to create a Web Gallery with Adobe Bridge. I create tree outputs for this gallery, they are Left Filmstrip, Lightroom Flash Gallery and Slideshow, with different backgrounds and customized Color Palette, Appearance and Site info. Again it was the first time I used the software Bridge. These files cannot be seeing here because the blogger only takes jpg, gib and bmp images to be uploaded, however I got this jpg as a sample of this project.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, about my header:

    I used Fireworks from start to finish.
    Put some typography elements with a gradiant type fill. the font used was Century Gothi Regular, it was tweaked to look the way it does through the properties pannel at the bottom.
    then copied and pasted in new layer, grouped the text elements and transformed them to make the look like a reflection on a glassy surface.
